Weekly photo challenge – Hope

Hope is a very powerful thing.  Without it, life for some is almost not worth living.  I have been very lucky to have been able  to travel a great deal, quite often on business but mainly for pleasure. Each time I have visited New York, if I have had time, I have joined one of the many boat trips that take tourists out to see  Ellis Island and an up-close look at the Statue of Liberty.

Each time I see Liberty standing guard as she appears to do, I think of the many millions of people, weary and scared as they neared the end of their long journey, seeing her for the first time.  Some refugees, fleeing from persecution;  some emigrants, escaping extreme poverty and hardship and I think of the hope she must have given them, as they sought a new life for themselves and their families.


22 thoughts on “Weekly photo challenge – Hope

  1. Pingback: Not Over Yet: Weekly Photo Challenge (Hope) « aNTibaKTeRiYeL

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Hope | Whatever makes you smile

  3. Pingback: WW04 Weekly Photo Challenge: Hope | booksinthekitchen

  4. When I first saw her from the harbor, I thought, “she is really green!”
    She is one of the reasons I will always want to return to New York, one of my favorite cities in the world.
    Thank you for reminding me to go back….



  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Hope For The Birds… | Mirth and Motivation

  6. a perfect post! i remember seeing her on a visit to NYC a number of years before 911. this was followed by a trip to Ellis Island – lots of hope represented by those two places! thanks for sharing.


  7. As I held my hand across my chest and said the words, “to life, liberty and pursuit to happiness,” my heart bounded like the rest of the 2,900 who shared a common hope and dream. Yes, our dreams echoed that day as one! Beautiful photo…will always take my breath away.


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